
How Much Cost To Repair Stucco In A 2 Story House In Clermont, Fl

Stucco Repair Cost

Modest stucco repairs such as filling cracks, patching holes, or fixing chips on walls or the foundation cost $200 to $800, or $viii to $50 per square foot. More significant jobs such equally stucco chimney repair, or h2o impairment cost $one,000 to $four,000. A stucco inspection typically costs $500.

Average Stucco Repair Cost Chart

Stucco Repair Cost
National Average Cost $993
Minimum Price $150
Maximum Cost $v,500
Average Range $477 to $one,510

Prices depend on the extent of harm discovered during an inspection. To get an accurate quote for your project, consult with local stucco contractors in your area.

Stucco siding is durable and lasts up of fifty years if properly maintained — however, stucco chips, cracks, and warps due to weather bug. Repairs should exist addressed immediately to avoid boosted damage to your dwelling house. Removing the damaged stucco and reapplying a new glaze requires an experienced professional.

Table of Contents

  1. Stucco Repair Toll
  2. Stucco Repair Toll Calculator
    • Inspection Toll
    • Cost Per Foursquare Foot
    • Labor & Materials Cost
  3. Stucco Repair Cost Estimates
    • Cracks
    • Patches
    • Walls
    • Chimney
    • Water Impairment
    • Foundation
    • Ceiling
    • Caulking
  4. Traditional vs. Synthetic Stucco Repair
  5. Outside Stucco Repair Cost Factors
    • Stucco Removal
  6. Stucco Repair Kits
  7. Stucco Maintenance
  8. Oftentimes Asked Questions
  9. DIY vs. Stucco Repair Contractors
    • How To Repair Stucco
  10. Stucco Repair Well-nigh Me

Stucco Repair Cost Calculator

Stucco repair costs are typically calculated using the square footage of harm for big projects, or a flat-charge per unit based on the estimated time required for smaller jobs.

Stucco Repair Cost Calculator Chart

Stucco Repair Cost Figurer
Item Boilerplate Cost
Inspection $500 – $1,000
Materials & Tools $300 – $ane,000
Labor $200 – $1,200

Stucco Inspection Cost

A stucco inspection costs $500 to $ane,000 depending on the home'due south size, the square footage of stucco, and accessibility. A stucco inspector drills and inserts small probes into suspicious areas of the walls to detect the amount of moisture. After the moisture reading, the holes are caulked and sealed.

Stucco Repair Toll Per Square Foot

On average, stucco repairs cost $8 to $50 per square foot or more than, depending on the extent of the damage. If severe issues such as water harm are discovered during an inspection, repairs tin range from $60 to $120 per square pes.

Stucco Repair Cost Per Square Foot

Stucco Repair Cost Per Square Foot
Repair Cost Per Square Pes
Basic Hairline Cracks, Holes, Chips & Repainting $8 – $thirty
Multiple Big Cracks, Foundations, Chimneys $thirty – $50
Extensive Repairs, Water Harm, Foundation Damage $60 – $120

Stucco Repair Labor Cost

Contractors charge $twoscore to $60 per hour plus materials to repair stucco or $8 to $fifty+ per foursquare foot. Most stucco repairs accept 4 to 12 hours of labor ($200 to $800) depending on the complexity and how long it takes for each coat to cure.

Stucco contractor plastering over fiberglass mesh patch on wall corner

Pricing will vary depending on if yous rent a handyman, a stucco specialist, or a general contractor. Homes with multiple stories or architectural details such equally shutters, porches, and odd-shaped windows increase your labor costs significantly.

Stucco Material Toll

Overall, stucco materials cost $300 to $1,000 for the boilerplate project, which includes stucco mix, flashing, vapor barrier, metal lath, touch-up paint, ladder, gloves, and other supplies. Other materials to take into account are:

Stucco Material Cost
Blazon Average Cost
Traditional Stucco $0.05 – $0.10 /SF
Synthetic Stucco $0.25 – $0.50 /SF
five gal. Synthetic Stucco Saucepan $40 – $60
25 lb. Stucco Patch & Paint Kit $15 – $40
25 lb. Stucco Repair & Patch Dry Bag $10 – $15
fourscore lb. Base Coat Handbag $10 – $xxx
Finishing Material $20 – $25
Vapor Barrier & Metal Lath $40 – $60
  • Traditional stucco costs $0.05 to $0.10 per square foot, or $10 to $30 per eighty lb. bag of base coat with each purse covering between 100 and 180 foursquare feet. Fixing 10 medium-sized cracks takes almost 15 to 20 bags of stucco.
  • Synthetic stucco runs $0.25 to $0.fifty per square foot, or $40 to $60 for a 5-gallon bucket, which covers between 100 and 250 square feet.
  • Finishing coat stucco costs $xx to $25, depending on the thickness and quality of the mix.
  • A new vapor barrier and metal board are often required when repairing a hole or a significant fissure in stucco, which costs $40 to $threescore.
  • Affect-upwardly pigment is required to cover up about repairs, or if the stucco has discoloration from mold, mildew, or age. The cost of painting a 2000 SF home exterior ranges from $400 to $600, while painting over small patches costs merely $xxx if yous tin find the correct color match.

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Stucco Repair Cost Estimates

Estimating stucco repairs depends on the size, blazon, and location of the damage, the age of the stucco, and the electric current climate. Below are some rough estimates on what to look.

Stucco Repair Toll Estimates
Type Average Cost
Crack Repair 1500 SF habitation is $400 to $1,500; DIY hairline cracks for $30
Modest Patch Repair DIY for $35 per 4' x 4' pigsty
Wall Repair $8 to $50+ per foursquare human foot
Ceiling Repair $100 to $300 per hole
Caulking Repair DIY for $30
Chimney Repair $60 to $120 per square foot
Water Impairment $$$ to $,$$$ depending on the impairment; may be covered by insurance
Foundation Repair $200 or more to repair each 4' section
Lath Siding Repair $30 for each 4' 10 viii' stucco lath siding panel + labor
Re-stucco a House $3 to $9 per square foot

Consult with a stucco professional for an accurate quote. View Pros

  • Smaller projects with a smoother finish that won't need a base coat to be applied earlier the stucco is re-coated cost a few hundred dollars, if non less.
  • Large projects with re-coats, extensive crack repair, and vast surface areas requiring patching—before a new stucco coat can be practical—cost $500 to $iii,000 on average.
  • In the case of severe harm, the average cost to re-stucco a house is between $7,500 and $15,000, or $3 to $9 per square human foot for stucco installation.
  • If another textile is also damaged, siding repair costs $two to $14 per foursquare foot.

Stucco Crack Repair Cost

The average cost of stucco crack repair on a 1500 SF dwelling house is $400 to $1,500 depending on the number of cracks, their length, and their thickness. Fixing 15-medium-size cracks takes about 20 bags of stucco, which costs $200 to $300 while labor runs $50 per hour and takes 4 to 8 hours.

Close-up view of cracked stucco exterior wall - both hairline and wide cracks

  • Fixing hairline cracks in stucco thinner than the width of a credit card costs $10 to DIY with standard caulk or a premade elastomeric stucco patch material.
  • Repairing large stucco cracks in walls the width of a penny or larger toll more since they crave the removal of paint and loose stucco pieces. To DIY, A pre-mixed saucepan of stucco can be purchased for around $xv, but nosotros recommend hiring a professional person.
  • Horizontal cracks in stucco are often part of normal vesture and tear.
  • Vertical cracks are often an indicator of a larger structural issue, and the foundation of the home may be shifting. Larn more about foundation repair costs and schedule an inspection if you lot or your contractor notices i of these cracks.

Stucco Patch Repair Price

Stucco patch repair costs $35 per 4' x 4' hole for just the materials and $30 to $50 per hr for professional labor. Larger or multiple patches with touchup painting costs $8 to $fifty per square foot.

Typically, stucco professionals volition provide a fixed-rate quote for smaller repairs, and a quote calculated using the square footage for more significant repairs.

Stucco Wall Repair Cost

Stucco wall repairs toll $8 to $50+ per foursquare human foot, with flat surfaces on the cheaper-end, and having to work around shutters, windows, windowsills, and doors on the higher-end. Repairing stucco cracks around windows takes longer and costs more, especially if the windows accept unusual shapes.

Cracked stucco over concrete wall showing fiberglass mesh ready for patch

Repairing stucco around a new door is common and typically occurs as the new door is set up in place. Repairing this damage is oftentimes slow and fourth dimension-consuming, resulting in boosted costs.

Stucco Chimney Repair Price

Stucco chimney repair costs $sixty to $120 per square foot since it's more than complicated than repairing a wall. A stucco professional will inspect the chimney to make up one's mind the severity of the damage before providing a quote.

Hairline cracks are the easiest to repair, but yous should still expect to pay a couple hundred dollars. Complex issues such as water damage can degrade the chimney's foundation requiring a complete stucco replacement and rebuilding the base materials. Extensive harm could price thousands of dollars to fix.

Stucco Water Harm Repair

Stucco water damage restoration costs vary on a case-by-example ground, depending on how extensive the damage is and which materials are used. Water damage is the virtually expensive stucco trouble, but your homeowner's insurance may cover it.

Stained stucco showing signs of water damage

Indications of stucco water damage are chips, bumps, crumbling stucco, and soft spots on the exterior walls. Likewise, greenish-black stains that seem to exist "crying" point moisture problems. These signs lead to the walls cracking and deteriorating, cracks around windows and doors, and mold if left untreated. Stucco water damage restoration procedures include:

  • Install drainage aeroplane to prevent water from entering the wall.
  • Patch all areas where loose stucco has fallen off.
  • Install a vapor bulwark.
  • Modify cry screeds to enable proper drainage of water.
  • Reapply sealants and caulk.

Before fixing whatsoever water-damaged stucco, ask an skilful to perform a moisture detection test to find the underlying cause of water damage. Sometimes, the flashing is incorrectly installed, which prevents water from getting into the joints in the structure of your habitation.

If the water damage is all-encompassing, a permanent solution would be a complete siding replacement as repairs could nevertheless be at gamble for futurity h2o problems.

Stucco Foundation Repair Cost

Information technology'southward common for stucco to chip off at the bottom of your foundation, which costs $200 or more to repair each iv' section. Another reason to use a stucco stop on your foundation wall is due to leaking, cracking, or chipping. Adding stucco is a more than viable and cost-effective solution than replacing the foundation and makes it much more resistant to farther damage.

Stucco Lath Siding Repair

Stucco board siding is piece of cake to repair and involves removing the panel and replacing it with a new one. A iv' x 8' stucco board siding panel costs around $thirty. The labor price of these repairs will depend on how many panels need to be replaced and the extent of the harm.

Stucco Ceiling Repair

To patch up a standard-size pigsty in a stucco ceiling, expect to pay between $100 and $300 for labor and $15 to $fifty for materials. Stucco ceiling repair is a bit more complicated than repairing walls, so ask your stucco professional if they have whatever experience earlier hiring.

Stucco Caulking Repair

Stucco caulking repair costs less than $30 if you DIY, and usually takes under an hour. Small cracks in stucco betwixt a width of 1/sixteen" to ane/8" can be hands repaired with caulking and paint. When hiring a stucco contractor, ask them to inspect for any larger structural issues and for wet penetration points around your windows and doors.

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Traditional vs. Synthetic Stucco Repair

In that location are two types of stucco, synthetic and traditional, with synthetic sitting at the higher end of the price spectrum.

Traditional Vs. Synthetic Stucco Mix Cost Chart

Traditional Stucco

Traditional stucco is cheaper, heavier, stronger, and provides a better moisture barrier for humid climates than synthetic. Traditional stucco is made from cement, sand, lime, and water that is applied in three coats over a lath base of operations or a piece of mesh and coated with a terminate.

Traditional stucco costs $0.08 per foursquare human foot or virtually $12 per fourscore-lb bag, which covers around 100 to 180 square feet. The DIY cost to gear up 10 standard-sized cracks in stucco takes approximately 15 numberless, which costs $230 in supplies and finishing materials. When hiring a pro, wait to add together another $200 for labor costs.

Synthetic Stucco Repair Price

Synthetic stucco, or exterior insulation finishing organisation (EIFS), has multiple layers containing a foam insulation lath, a glaze of pre-mixed synthetic stucco, fiberglass mesh or wire, and a last coat. Constructed stucco is softer, more energy-efficient, easier to repair, and lasts longer than traditional.

Constructed stucco costs $0.25 per square foot, or $l for a 5-gallon bucket, which covers 100 to 250 square feet. Repairing 10 standard-sized cracks costs $600+ in materials and $200 for labor.

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Outside Stucco Repair Cost Factors

When looking to estimate the price of your outside stucco repair project, there are some more boosted cost factors to keep in listen.

  1. Removal Costs
  2. Which flooring the damaged exterior stucco is on.
  3. Whether stucco exterior maintenance has been regularly performed.
  4. The extent of the damage.

Stucco Removal Cost

In some cases, you'll need your old stucco removed to lay downwards new stucco. Stucco removal costs $1.20 per square pes on wood board, and $i.05 per square foot on metallic lath. The boilerplate cost to remove all of the stucco on the average domicile ranges from $900 to $2,100. Typically, just small portions of stucco need to exist removed, and yous may have to pay a nominal disposal fee.

Upper or Lower Floor

Stucco repair on walls over 8' high requires a ladder or scaffolding and will often cost more than. Renting scaffolding costs an extra $l per day on average, and working on a ladder will add to the labor costs.

Extent of Damage

Stucco contractors base their cost estimates on how much time is required to make the repairs, the cost of the stucco mix, and the price of materials. Stucco damage that involves removal and replacement of the former stucco downwards to the newspaper or lath layer costs more to repair. Circuitous repairs require supplies such as a metal lath, vapor barrier fabric, and finishing mix.

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Stucco Repair Kits

Stucco repair kits price $5 to $300 depending on the size of the kit and physical strength. These kits are sold at home improvement stores and include all of the materials you demand to make small-scale repairs.

DIY Stucco Repair Kit Cost Chart

  • Look for kits that contain additives to speed upward drying time.
  • Some kits don't crave mixing cement and are made for small cracks.
  • For small projects, look for kits that come pre-mixed for a simple and streamlined process.

Before using a stucco repair kit, call back to adequately prepare the surface area by removing any loose material and cleaning the area.

Stucco Repair Tools

Some kits come up with many of the tools and supplies needed to fix a crack or apply a patch, such as:

  1. Caulk Gun
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Margin Trowel or Putty Knife
  4. Wire Brush
  5. Utility Pocketknife
  6. Hammer
  7. Chisel

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Stucco Maintenance

Although stucco is an incredibly durable siding textile, damage can occur if proper stucco care and maintenance are not performed. Consider these stucco maintenance tips for cleaning stucco walls:

  • To make clean stucco, use a garden hose with a sprayer attached. Avert using a pressure washer, since loftier levels of pressure can harm your stucco.
  • If stucco becomes discolored by mold, apply a mixture of 25% bleach to 75% hot water to the affected spots using a sponge. Permit it to soak for a few minutes before rinsing it clean. Check back the next day and repeat the procedure every bit necessary until the mold is gone.
  • For retouching the color or filling small hairline cracks, use acrylic or elastomeric pigment that'due south designed for masonry.
  • Regularly bank check the sealant around your windows and doors to make sure that there are no potential penetration points for moisture to seep into your stucco.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Stucco Repair From Home Depot Price?

Home Depot provides stucco repair through their Pro Referral service. The cost will vary depending on where you alive, the extent of the stucco damage, the type of stucco, and more. Enter your goose egg code to connect with pros and find out how much your project will toll.

What Is the Best Caulk for Stucco Repair?

While well-nigh standard caulk will suffice for simple stucco repair projects, at that place are caulking tools explicitly designed for stucco repair. One of the nearly pop caulks for stucco repair is Quikrete Stucco Repair Sealant, which is excellent for sealing small cracks in your stucco.

How Much Does Stucco Remediation Cost?

Stucco remediation costs depend on the severity and progression of mold, the home's size, and the number of windows. The entire stucco system is removed for $900 to $ii,100, and the underlying issues are stock-still. Then, new siding costs $3 to $11 per square pes or $7,500 to $15,000 to re-stucco the house.

Mold under stucco is often caused by poor installation or long periods of unaddressed water penetration. While the toll of stucco remediation can vary depending on a wide range of factors, stucco remediation is e'er quite expensive.

What Does Styrofoam Stucco Repair Cost?

Repairing a styrofoam stucco organisation, molding, or plastering trim on a rendered wall costs $8 to $l per square foot depending on the extent and amount of damage. Small repairs around the house may run $100 to $200 total.

How Can I Tell if My Stucco Is Fifty-fifty Salvageable?

It's difficult for the untrained centre to detect the extent of harm in stucco, so it's best to have a professional inspection to determine if information technology's salvageable. A stucco contractor can determine if your stucco should be repaired or replaced. If the stucco was installed incorrectly, or there is widespread h2o or mold impairment, your stucco system needs to be replaced entirely before causing more bug.

How Long Does Stucco Repair Accept?

Smaller stucco repairs, such as filling cracks and holes, takes 1 to 5 hours on average. Larger repairs, with significant surface area in dismay or full stucco remediation, takes anywhere from 5 to 24 hours, spread across ii or 3 days.

Extensive stucco repair takes at least 24 hours from kickoff to stop because the showtime layer of stucco needs to fix and dry out before additional layers can be added.

Still have questions? Ask a stucco repair pro. View Pros

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DIY vs. Stucco Repair Contractors

You can DIY small stucco repairs such as hairline cracks and minor fries with a stucco repair kit, which could salvage y'all hundreds of dollars. For annihilation more complex such as several large cracks, foundation issues, or water and structural damages, information technology's best to rent a professional person.

Other costs include materials you'll demand to purchase and may only employ once. As well, the damaged stucco may be in difficult to reach places that crave a ladder or areas such as a windowsill or doorway, which requires a professional's expertise.

Before taking on a DIY project, look for these signs of severe damage:

  • Aging stucco – This could be a sign of water damage that is compromising the wall's integrity or a pest infestation.
  • Soft spots and indentations – This could suggest underlying water harm and rot.
  • Broad or numerous cracks – Although a few hairline cracks are part of normal wearable and tear, a large number of wider cracks could indicate water impairment.

Hiring a professional who gets the task washed correctly is worth the price, and proper stucco installation prevents further issues downwardly the road.

How To Repair Stucco

To repair stucco yourself, this brief guide on how to repair stucco volition run yous through how to patch holes and fill cracks in walls. Before starting this projection:

  1. Exist certain temperatures at nighttime stay above forty degrees.
  2. Once the water is added to the mixture, you lot have thirty to 90 minutes before it sets.
  3. Make sure your coating is permeable to water vapor and alkaline tolerant, else it will peel off.
  4. Always wear gloves and prophylactic goggles and go along a bucket of water nearby to launder any stucco mix off your skin.

Stucco Tools Needed

  • Stucco Mix (Portland cement, sand, and water)
  • Notched trowel
  • Plaster-finishing trowel
  • Sponge
  • Gloves
  • Heart protection
  • Ladder
  • Hammer
  • Mason's chisel
  • Straight border
  • Matching paint

How To Patch Stucco Holes & Repair Cracks

  1. Remove Loose Stucco
    Use your mason's chisel and hammer to remove any former, damaged, or loose stucco by chipping abroad at the edges.
  2. Comprehend the Exposed Lath
    Trim a piece of builders paper with a utility pocketknife where the old stucco meets the woods lath. Fasten with nails, and then add a second layer.
  3. Add Mesh or Wire
    Add a fiberglass or galvanized metallic lath over the paper and trim the edges. Secure mesh with more nails.
  4. Gear up the Stucco Mix
    Mix up a batch of stucco. To improve adhesion, add together an acrylic bonding agent to the mix.
  5. Use First Coat
    Utilise a brick trowel against the mesh until information technology's completely covered, filling whatever cracks or holes. This is called the "scratch glaze".
  6. Polish information technology Out
    Smooth the stucco mixture with a finishing trowel and pack information technology against the border of the existing stucco surface.
  7. Scratch The Coat
    Use a notched trowel to scratch grooves into it, which will permit hereafter coats to better adhere to the first layer. Permit it set and dry between 24 hours and vii days.
  8. Apply Second Coat
    Apply h2o to the expanse using a sponge to brand information technology easier for the next coat to adhere to the surface. Evenly spread some other layer of stucco down before completely leveling information technology with a straight edge.
  9. Add The Stop Coat
    Apply the final finishing coat. This coat should exist evenly applied and about a quarter-inch thick.
  10. Match the Texture
    While this coat is still wet, use a sponge to create a texture that matches the surrounding stucco.
  11. Paint
    Let the patch cure for a week, then pigment over using a dense acrylic elastomer to ensure a uniform look.

Stucco Quotes

Although stucco repairs can be plush, a professional person is more than worth it to protect your dwelling house's integrity. Get complimentary estimates on HomeGuide from trusted stucco companies:

Get free estimates

  • Pray, Richard. "2019 National Structure Estimator." 2022. PDF file.
  • Gleason, Dennis D. "2019 National Painting Cost Reckoner." 2022. PDF file.
  • Paxton, Albert S. "2019 National Repair & Remodeling Estimator." 2022. PDF file.
  • How to Repair Stucco. (2016).
  • Stucco Chimney Repair 101. (2017).
  • Spotting and Fixing Water Harm in Stucco. (2014).
  • How Much Does Stucco Cost To Install? (Detailed Expect). (2018).
  • Stucco Water Harm: Causes & Solutions. (2018).
  • Acrylic Stucco VS Traditional Stucco. (2015).
  • Kirk Giordano plastering Inc. Foundation repairs with stucco and or cement plaster. (2014).
  • How much does Stucco Remediation toll? Is it expensive?. (2017).
  • QUIKRETE. How to Repair Cracks and Holes in Stucco. (2011).
    Kirk Giordano plastering Inc. Repairing a styrofoam molding or trim on a rendered wall. (2014).

How Much Cost To Repair Stucco In A 2 Story House In Clermont, Fl,


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